It is important to charge the DynaPort MT to ensure maximal measurement capacity. If the battery runs empty during the measurement, the measurement will prematurely stop.
The device can be charged by connecting it to a computer with the supplied USB cable. Multiple devices can be charged at once by using a powered USB-hub. Charging takes up to 5 hours.
Connect your DynaPort MT using a USB cable. A dark green information tile will appear in the Devices tab for each connected DynaPort MT. The tile displays the device number (lower left corner), the battery status (upper left corner). Make sure to give Windows some time to recognize the device and install drivers, this will happen automatically. Only then can the DynaPort manager connect successfully to any DynaPort devices.
Click on a tile (device) to start a new measurement with that device. You can also directly select the Measure tab to do this.
Select the DynaPort MT that you want to use from the drop-down menu if you choose the latter option.
Add or select a project, subject and visit in order to start a measurement.
Click 'Start measurement' when all fields are filled. If an old measurement is found on the device, it should be 'cleaned' first.
Select the protocol you want to use for a measurement from the appearing drop-down menu.
Only the generic protocol will be available if you do not make use of customized protocols. Please contact for information about customized protocols.