
Digital data is analyzed and expressed in terms of body posture (such as lying down, sitting or standing), locomotion (walking and shuffling) and movement parameters (such as movement duration, intensity and frequency). The high resolution raw acceleration data lends itself to a pattern recognition approach that uses logical algorithms for the classification of types of activity. Lying can be identified from the orientations of the trunk. Sitting and standing can be identified by the pattern of transitions between activities. Locomotion is identified by intensity and frequency of cyclic movements.


It was concluded that the DynaPort MoveMonitor provides information on habitual physical activity. The parameters are useful as outcome measures and for self-monitoring of daily activities in physical activity intervention studies for COPD. The DynaPort MoveMonitor is a very accurate instrument for detecting postures, walking and steps [1]. The DynaPort MoveMonitor is a practical and valuable method for objectively evaluating gait and postures [2]. This triaxial monitor system is a practical and valuable tool for objective, continuous evaluation of walking and postures in patients with mild to moderate PD [3].


Types of Activity

Types of activity form the basis of the MoveMonitor and are presented in a Numerical report, a Summary report or in a Day-to-Day report. The numerical report is an event list, with cumulative event number, start time, end time, and activity type. The summary report shows the average of the complete measurement. The day-to-day report presents day totals and activity distributions per day in 20 minute bouts.

Transitions Between Type of Activity

Transitions are defined as a change in type of activity. The number of transitions between all types of activities are calculated and summarized in a table in the graphical reports.


For each period of walking that is detected, the amount of steps is determined and shown in the numerical report. In the summary report the total amount of steps and the average amount of steps per walk period are shown.

Movement Duration

Absolute and relative duratins of each type of activity are calculated and presented in the graphical reports. The summary report shows an overview of the complete measurement, the day-to-day report presents day totals.

Movement Frequency

The movement frequency is the amount of periods of a type of activity. The summary report shows the averages of the complete measurement, the day-to-day report presents day totals.

Movement Intensity

The Movement Intensity (MI) is derived from the acceleration signal and gives an indication of the power of the movements. The MI per event is shown in the numerical report. The MI per day per activity is shown in the day-to-day report. Various MI intervals are created. The number of periods in each interval is shown in the Physical Activity Recommendations report.

1. Langer, D., Gosselink, R., Sena, R., Burtin, C., Decramer, M., & Troosters, T. (2009). Validation of Two Activity Monitors in Patients With COPD. Thorax, 64, 641-642. doi:10.1136/thx.2008.112102.
2. Dijkstra, B., Kamsma, Y., & Zijlstra, W. (2010). Detection of Gait and Postures Using a Miniaturised Triaxial Accelerometer-Based System: Accuracy in Community Dwelling Older Adults. Age Ageing, 39(2), 259-262. doi:10.1093/ageing/afp249.
3. Dijkstra, B., Kamsma, Y., & Zijlstra, W. (2010). Detection of Gait and Posture Using a Miniaturized Triaxial Accelerometer-Based System: Accuracy in Patients With Mild to Moderate Parkinson's Disease. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 91, 1272-1276. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2010.05.004.
